Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Intrinsic Motivation
Children grow up in different home and school environment. They increase their motivation according to the people, with whom they live around. There are two kinds of motivation; 1) Extrinsic motivation is the outsider rewards that increase children’s interest to do something or take responsibility to get the reward.  2) Intrinsic Motivation comes from the inner side of the children, where they take interest to take responsibility and feel happy.  So intrinsic motivation is the best way  for children’s learning and development, enhanced creativity, and informed decisions;    In order to increase children’s motivation, parents need to keep in mind the following aspects;
·        Give children options for eating e.g. do you want apple or banana?  It will allow children to make a choice, and make decision. These small decisions will allow them gradually to solve their problems, make their own decisions and take their own responsibilities.
·        Ask children regarding planning for meals, going for an outing and shopping because it will help them to understand what and why to do/ buy/ go?  
·        Encourage them in taking some responsibilities such as pasting their teeth, combing hair, putting on shoes / coats / clothes and socks etc.
·        Appreciate their small successes e.g. drawing, painting, picking up their stuff etc.
If parents follow these small instructions, it will allow their children to have space for thinking, analyzing and making decisions.   

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