Monday, May 14, 2012

Child Development Milestones

Parents frequently ask ,"How will I know if my baby is progressing normally?"The more parents and caregivers know of their children, the better they will be able to provide appropriate experiences. Children are one-of-a-kind and unique in their own ways. Observation is the best tool to assess a child's development.There are many domains of child development like

  • physical/motor development
  • social/emotional development
  • communication/language development
  • cognitive development
Knowledge of development milestones are important for all caregivers to observe and record a child's development over time. Developmental Milestones Observational Record can display a lot of information and track child's progress. Three categories can be used in the observational record i.e. Learning, practicing and mastery.When  any new action or behavior is noticed,  it can be recorded with the date and comment when a milestone be attempted, repeated or accomplished.

1 comment:

  1. It will be better to mention the list of milestones with respect to the age of a child (especially initial two years after birth).
