Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Effective Learning and Materials 

Materials play a meaningful role in learning and developing of children in their early years of life.  The advanced countries have materials in the form of school supplies but the developing countries generally lack this important aspects of children needs.  The way, food is the basic need, similarly, learning materials are also essential parts of chid development. For example, toys, books, audio and video DVDs play a significant part in helping children to learn effectively.  Similarly,, children also need learning materials, where they can manipulate, measure the size and textures, counts, add, double the numbers, and divide, differentiate the colors and shapes etc.
Its obvious that parents from developing countries, cannot afford to buy toys, books and other learning materials. Therefore, teacher educators and teachers need to demonstrate creative ways of making resources with low cost materials such as  making shapes, numbers, alphabets, and stories from  empty cartons, bottle tapes, and paper boxes etc.  
When children get these opportunities, it helps them to explore and make meaning for themselves. It also helps them to  think critically, analyze and solve problems. Therefore, these small steps generate a big impact in making a difference in children social, emotional and cognitive development.   

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