Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Speaking Skills

Parents in our third world countries try to teach their children the numbers and alphabets from the books. They feel good when the children produce the numbers and alphabets in their innocent speaking style.  However, the recent researchers and educationists take children’s learning in a broader perspective.  They believe, toys, and games enhance more productive and authentic learning. For instance, stacking and nesting toys help children to develop ideas about size, shapes, texture, weight, density and distance. If we keep them encouraging, they explore and manipulate in different ways that helps them to enhance their speaking skills. Therefore, we parents must keep the following ideas in mind;   
· We must buy or make handmade toys so our children could play and keep speaking about it.
·    Allow children to play independently but be there to facilitate them
·   Ask open ended questions so they can describe or speak about what they do and why? What they like or dislike and why?
·    Focus the holistic development of the children rather than focusing number, colors and alphabets.
It means, if we want to develop children’s speaking skills, we need to provide toys to our children so they can play, enjoy, have fun and speak about it.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Bonding with Children

Research indicates that bonding with children in their early years of life, provides a greater chance for a healthy development.  Children’s relationships with consistent, caring, and loving parents or adults is associated with a better academic achievement, healthier behavior, positive interaction and increased ability to cope with stress.  So in order to enhance that bonding relationship with children, we need to keep in mind the following aspects;
1.     Be respectful to children. Talk gently, friendly and politely
2.     Be caring;     Care for the children’s cloths, food, toys, books and cleanliness  
3.     Be Loving;   Express our positive feelings. Appreciate their small successes in the form of hugs and kisses (most of the time). Buy them toys, games. And books as a reward (only sometimes)
4.     Be consistent in behavior;   Set limits for an acceptable behavior if children cross those, let them know that you did not like it or they are not supposed to do that. It’s important because, children need to learn to discipline themselves gradually because self discipline is critical from the beginning of their lives. 

If we follow these small rules, it will help children to develop in a very conducive and loving environment that will help us to bond us together.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Age Appropriate Toys

Children love playing. It’s very important for their growth. These toys can be hand made or purchased but its essential for children to have age appropriate toys. The toys can be divided into different groups depending on the parts of child development millstones. For examples,  
1-    Toys for physical and mussels development e.g. boxes, puzzles, blocks and brooms etc.
2-    Sensory development (touch, smell, taste, and sight) e.g. water toys, musical tools, bubbles, and sand toys etc.
3-    Social development  e.g. dolls, dress up cloths, cars, trucks, busses, games, and books   
4-    Intellectual development e.g. clay, crayons, paints, books, papers and scissors etc.
When we allow children to play, we as parents need to keep in mind the developmental millstones and age appropriateness. It will make more sense for children and they will enjoy playing and developing.      

Friday, March 1, 2013

The Benefits of Yoga

Thousands of years ago India developed ‘Yoga’ and it became very famous in the United States.  Yoga is a healing system of theory and practice. The purpose of yoga is to create strength, awareness, and harmony in both the mind and body.    According to Dr. Nevins, “A person who practices yoga on a regular basis will experience physical, mental, and spiritual benefits. Yoga can also lower blood pressure and reduce insomnia. According to Dr. Nevins, other physical benefits include:
• Increased flexibility,  muscle strength and tone
• Improved respiration, energy, vitality and maintenance of a balanced metabolism. weight reduction,  improved athletic performance and protection from injury
Yoga also helps a person manage stress. Stress can reveal itself in many ways, including back or neck pain, sleeping problems, headaches, drug abuse, and an inability to concentrate.  Yoga can be very effective in developing coping skills and reaching a more positive outlook on life.”
 Therefore, it sounds helpful to engage children in regular yoga practice so they could learn  how to cope with life skills.